We Re Still Family

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Many people, their parents' divorce makes a turning point in their lives, whether the divorce happened many years ago or is taking place right now. Parents divorce for some reasons. Usually it happens because couples feel they can no longer live together due to fighting and anger, or because the love they had when they married has changed. Divorce also can be because one parent falls in love with someone else, and sometimes it's also caused by abuse by one member of the family. Sometimes nothing bad happens, but parents just decide to live apart. Some kids are feeling guilty about what is going to be, or wish they had prevented the divorce of their parents,, doing better with their behavior, or getting better grades to attract their parents to live …show more content…

Intuitively, we just know that children should be raised by two married parents living together peacefully. But study or research shows that about 80 percent of children of divorce adapt well and see no lasting negatif effect on their mental health, social adjustment, or grades. These findings arrive from a variety of sources, including 20 year of study by psycologist Constance Ahrons. Dr. Constance Ahrons publish a book called “We’re Still Family”. And a psychologist Mavis Hetherington’s work following 2,500 children divorce and showing that 80 percent of the kids doing well. If parents can learn to communicate effectively regarding their children and work together to make decisions for the children, the children are the ones who will ultimately benefit. ,500 children of divorce also showed about 80-percent of the kids doing well, as did a 2012 meta-survey analyzing about a thousand studies on childhood adjustment done over the last four decades, conducted by child development expert and Cambridge University professor Michael Lamb (psychology today). So it doesn’t have a big effect for the life of children with divorce parents, they still can enjoy their normal

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