We Need A Revival

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We Need A Revival

1. The place of prayer
2. Finding your coordinate from scripture(studying Gods word)
3. Knowing the holy spirit and depending on him
4. What is the gospel
5. Approach to evangelism(ways to reach out)
6. Understanding the mission and its urgency
7. Why the blood
8. Why the cross
9. Why Jesus
10. Hindrances that must be overcame for fruits to be seen
11. Wining souls with wisdom
12. The blessedness of reaching to the unsaved
13. Differentiate your responsibility from that of the holy ghost
14. Should there be baptism after receiving Christ
15. Does receiving Jesus equal receiving the holy ghost (yes but not the power of the holy ghost)
16. What is salvation and can salvation be lost
17. Testimony of heroes of faith in the …show more content…

The moral condition of the world in our day is disgusting, sickening, appalling. We need a revival, deep, widespread, general, in the power of the Holy Ghost. It is either a general revival or the dissolution of the church, of the home, of the state. A revival, new life from God, is the cure, and the only cure. That will stem the awful tide of immorality and unbelief. Mere argument will not do it; but a sign from heaven, a new outpouring of the Spirit of God, It was not discussion but the breath of God that relegated Tom Paine, Voltaire, Volney and other of the old infidels to the limbo of forgetfulness; and we need a new breath from God to send the Wellhausens and the Kuenens and the Grafs and the parrots they have trained to occupy chairs and pulpits in England and America to keep them company. I believe that breath from God is coming.
The great need of to-day is a general revival. The need is clear. It admits of no honest difference of opinion. What then shall we do? Pray. Take up the Psalmist's prayer, "Revive us again, that Thy people may rejoice in Thee." Take up Ezekiel's prayer, "Come from the four winds, O breath (breath of God), and breathe upon these slain that they may live." Hark, I hear a noise! Behold a shaking! I can almost feel the breeze upon my cheek. I can almost see the great living army rising to their feet. Shall we not pray and pray and pray and pray, till the Spirit comes, and God revives His people?
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