We Are Not: Dance Analysis

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This piece choreographed by Brooke, Abby, and myself is entitled “We Are Not”. “We Are Not” makes a statement about independence and not conforming to societal norms to show the audience that you do not have to be what society expects you to be. The aesthetic of this dance is very introspective and intense. I feel very proud of the finished product that we have created, and I thoroughly enjoyed working with my classmates on this project. Our group had a great spirit of collaboration, and every group member put a great amount of effort into the dance. I am honestly astounded by what we have created. At the beginning of the semester I was unsure how I was ever going to be able to help choreograph a dance, because I had never had experience choreographing before. Performing this dance has been a very cathartic experience for me this past week and has been an amazing way for me to deal with the stress of the end of the semester. I feel a sense of accomplishment whenever we perform this dance because I know how hard we worked to create it. …show more content…

My assessment of the assignment was partially correct; in my opinion the hardest part of the assignment was coming up with choreography that helped the audience understand the message that we were trying to communicate through this dance. I was quite worried that our dance would not have a clear enough theme because it was so abstract and we are not experienced in choreography. My fears were relieved when my group was able to go in for feedback and the theme of our dance was easily

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