Wd Snodgrass Leaving The Motel

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W.D. Snodgrass sets the theme of the poem, "Leaving the Motel", immediately within the title itself. Using symbolism heavily throughout the poem to show the actions of the two people. Laying the foundation of the theme as well as the tone as a romantic encounter. Much different from most love poems, Snodgrass doesn't go into particulars of the passion or loving feelings these individuals have for one another. Snodgrass uses details to indicate how they proceed with particular actions of covering up behind themselves. Using such language to show imagination and directness, nearly giving orders for how to clear the room. The image is quickly set to indicate the situation in the motel room. The symbolism, tone, language and characterization show these two individuals are carrying out a secretive rendezvous. …show more content…

This also reflects their sexual encounter together during the night, which will be coming to an end soon. Symbols are used numerous times throughout the poem. The flowers, "Our lilacs" (22), expresses they desire to be a couple, as the word "Our" (22) is symbolizing togetherness. The flowers in the vase symbolize the relationship between the two and how lively they are together. The author creates many images using symbolism, especially with the lilac flowers. He could have used just the word flower, but instead, he chose to use lilacs. Lilacs create an image of a delicate, although fresh and vivacious emotions between the two. By using lilacs we are given the indication that this meeting took place in the

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