Ways of Dying by Zakes Mda

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The new South Africa was a vast and violent city were a lot of death happened, meaning there was a lot of funerals which is why Toloki is a professional mourner. He would dress up with dignity in threadbare suit, battered top hat, cape to just comfort the grieving family, since it was his profession.

“I tell you mothers and fathers, there is death out there. Soon we shall experience the death of birth itself if we go on at this rate” (Busisiwe Magocoba)

These words in the novel are said at a funeral that Toloki attends in his professional capacity. Toloki has been paid well for his services. It was the biggest amount he had received for one funeral. Toloki wanted to do his best work in so that the grieving family can see their money’s worth.

These words are said by the nurse at this funeral. The nurse had been the sister of the man that was to be buried. The brother of the nurse had passed away under unusual circumstances; he had left home saying that he was going to visit his sister. Since that day no one had seen him alive again.

The family of the brother, having looked everywhere for him, had given up all hope of finding him. The nurse/sister determined to find her brother, went searching for him at the government mortuary. She searched room after room of dead bodies but still could not find him. She had seen so many dead bodies that she could not take it anymore. She eventually found her brother by identifying the clothes he was wearing on the day he was last seen.

The nurse having seen so much death said these words. The nurse was trying to convey that there was so much death out there. Having witnessed it first-hand she was certainly an expert. The nurse had seen “…bodies of old and young men and women, beautiful gi...

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...97. Ways of Dying, Zakes Mda's novel of transition. Catastrophe and Beauty: [Online]. ISSN 0258-2279 79, 1-5. Available at: http://kanganof.com/kangablog/2010/10/14/catastrophe-and-beauty-ways-of-dying-zakes-mda%E2%80%99s-novel-of-the-transition [Accessed 04 May 2014]. (Busisiwe Magocoba)

Kirkus Reviews. 2002. Ways of Dying by Zakes Mda. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.kirkusreviews.com/book-reviews/zakes-mda/ways-of-dying. [Accessed 04 May 14] (Busisiwe Magocoba)

Padraig O’Malley. 2000. Chapter 7: Political Violence in the era of negotiations and transition, 1990-1994. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.nelsonmandela.org/omalley/index.php/site/q/03lv02167/04lv2264/05lv02335/06lv02357/07lv02372/08lv02379.htm. [Accessed 04 May 14]. (Busisiwe Magocoba)

Mda, Z, 1996. Ways of Dying. 2nd ed. Cape Town: Oxford University Press Southern Africa (Busisiwe Magocoba)

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