Waverly Hills Is Haunted

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Waverly Hills Is Haunted Have you ever experienced an unusual phenomenon that you can’t explain? A paranormal occurrence that left the hairs on the back of your neck chilled for days? Most explain it aside, but the possibilities of why you feel so uneasy are limitless. Especially if you experienced this at Waverly Hills, also known as one of the most haunted places in the world. Most think it’s just a Haunted House set up for Halloween, but the harsh truth is this; every pondering individual that has courageously walked through this Sanitarium during anytime of the year has experienced doors automatically slamming shut, visible orbs, shadows, mists, so-called ‘hallucinations,’ scratching noises, footsteps, barking, and other various spooky noises. They each left with a …show more content…

By this time, it was a severely damaged building. However, it has turned into one of the most famous tourist attractions in the world; a haunted Sanitarium. The Mattingly family didn’t situate the electricity or hardly any renovations. They basically just got the name of its past and present situations out there. Especially when people came and realized the rumors were actually true; this place was actually haunted. Most that have participated in a tour have claimed to see a little girl on the third floor; with no eyes. No-one is sure of the story behind her, the mystery remains today. People also say that they hear a dog barking. Coincidentally, a dog and its homeless master were murdered in the past just by trying to find a place to lay their head for the night. This would explain the constant barking. It has also been said by most visitors that a nurse in uniform lingers in room 502 and demands them to get out of the room. Could this be the same nurse that hung herself in that very room due to pregnancy by the doctor because they weren’t

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