Water Polo Persuasive Essay

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Sports have long been a part of the world, dating back to the earliest historic discoveries. To this day they continue to be a source of enjoyment for everyone around the world. Although for those who play sports it is about having so much love for the game that you are able to be so much better compared to everyone else. Athletes push themselves to be better than everyone else. With the hours of exertion put in there is usually one athlete who come out on top, football players. Football is the toughest sport for physicality because of the rock solid form and height of players but does the form and weight of the player really matter if the sport is being played in a pool? Water polo requires the same high-level competitiveness of football multiplied …show more content…

The semi-final match between Hungary and Russia went down as the bloodiest game of water polo in history. Players were drowning each other and kicking and punching the opposing team in their stomachs. Russian players were sent into the penalty box after putting a Hungarian player into a hammerlock. Soon after the Hungarian’s scored and in the process the player’s elbow hit the Russian in the chin. The Hungarians continued to egg on the other players and only added to the violence. Two more Russian players were kicked out after slugging the Hungarian players. After the very violent game ever there was soon to be more blood in the water. In the last two minutes of the game. Hungary’s Ervin Zador turned to ask the ref for clarification however in that instance he was not expecting what was to come ahead. Zador made the mistake of losing sight of his man. As he turned back to face the Russian player smacked Zador in the eye so hard that blood was gushing down the side of his face and he started to drown. At that point, the refs called the game and Hungary won four to zero. Zador’s eye had been so swollen that he needed to receive stitches. Hungary’s young star played had devoted his life to water polo and after his injury, he was forced to watch from the sidelines as his team defeated Yugoslavia to bring home the gold

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