Water In The Film One Flew Over The Cuckoo's

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Scorsese also had the professional help of a psychiatric consultant from New York University, Professor James Gilligan. It appears as if directors filming mental health illness movies are veering towards accuracy rather than a fictionalized version of mental illness. This is seen in Shutter Island, when the doctors try role-play rather than medication and psychosurgery. Furthermore, both directors choose to end their films on positive and hopeful note through the use of water to express the importance of having free will. In order to fully convey the destigmatization of mental illnesses, both films utilize water to symbolize freedom. Water is free flowing, transparent, and fluid. Having a mental illness is already stressful enough, but patients face even more anxiety due to discrimination and marginalization. In the ending scene of One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest, when Chief Bromden finds out that the institution lobotomized McMuprhy, he suffocates McMurphy out of his misery with a pillow. Chief Bromden knows that McMurphy would rather die than submit to However, free will should be available to all, regardless of race, gender, class, or disability. Both One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest and Shutter Island are considered innovative during their respective time periods because they provide a different perspective on mental illnesses. Because Shutter Island was filmed in 2010, there has been more and better research when it comes to mental health illnesses. People are more aware of certain situations and allow the individual to heal through alternative forms of healing. There is more support for art therapy, music therapy, and creative projects. Thus, by broadening the scope of mental illness healing, patients who suffer from mental illnesses can successfully and peacefully heal without infringing on their free

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