Was Napoleon A Good Or Bad Leader?

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JOURNAL #4: Was Napoleon a Good or Bad Leader
Napoleon Bonaparte was a great military leader and commander, he had a fantastic eye for detail and a phenomenal memory. Though he was not always completely honest with his colonies, and he often took advantage of their valuables, Napoleon was very brave, strong-minded and he knew how to retrieve followers everywhere he went.
Napoleon Bonaparte was a fantastic leader and commander of the military, mainly because of his great eye for detail and exceptional memory. This way he could spot the flaws of another army and attack that weak point repeatedly until he won. Also with his outstanding memory, Napoleon could remember and recall many different battle tactics and strategies that he or other armies used. He and his military force defeated numerous armies with their skill, and made them part of France’s colony. This way Napoleon made France into a powerful empire with many colonies under his rule. Napoleon was not always honest with his colonies and often took advantage of them by stealing their valuables and riches for their own good. For example, once Napoleon had earned the trust of the Italians, he ordered his army to steal any valuables, such as paintings, jewellery, and even ancient …show more content…

After being exiled to the small island of Elba, Napoleon stayed there for approximately ten months until returning to France with an army of about one thousand people. The royal troops blocked the road so Napoleon could not continue moving his army, and so he walked in front of his troops and announced in anyone wanted to shoot their emperor, he stood before them without any weapon. Due to this act of bravery and his previous influence on the royal soldiers, they all came and joined Napoleon’s side. This goes to show that Napoleon was extremely brave and faithful in the fact that he had a great influence over

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