Was Marie Curie Honorable

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Honor means to have high respect or esteem towards something or someone. It also means a privilege and to regard with great respect. To me honor means to hold someone in high regard for what they have done for the betterment of something other than their self. Marie Curie had many brilliant scientific advances and on top of that she was very honorable. She not only discovered elements but she volunteered during the war and worked to pave a way for woman in science. (encyclopediaofworldbiography.com) Marie Curie was born to Wladyslaw and Bronislawa Sklodowski on November 7th, 1867 in Warsaw, Poland. She was the youngest of five with her siblings being Zosia, Hela, Jόzef, and Bronya. Both of her parents were teachers and their family valued intelligence but could not afford to send the children to secondary schooling. (noteablebiographies.com) Despite the family’s financial disadvantage, both Marie and …show more content…

One was won alongside Pierre and the other was given to Marie without the assistance of Pierre. Marie became the first woman to receive a Nobel Prize let alone two. (noteablebiographies.com) Pierre died a tragic death on April 19, 1906 when his head was trampled by a horse which crushed his skull. Though Pierre’s death was devastating, Marie benefited from it. She was able to work as a professor in place of Pierre becoming the first female professor at that university. Marie was able to make it more common for female professors. (aip.org) World War I arrived Marie set aside her experiments and when to assist nurses with aiding soldiers who had been injured at the war front. She had used the invention of x-rays and added them to the inside of trucks. She used her x-ray trucks to assist nurses in locating the bullet inside a wound and saved a countless amount of lives. Her invention made it easier and safer to remove bullets. She taught herself to drive in two days so that she would be able to assist the fallen soldiers herself.

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