Was It A Good Or Bad Thing For The Europeans Come To The Americas?

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Was It a good or bad thing for the Europeans to come to the Americas? Some people would like to argue that it was a good thing, but in reality the bad outweighs the good of the situation. For instance, the Europeans brought deadly diseases with them, took land from Native Americans, and started the trend for other countries invading the Americas.

The Europeans came over to the Americas for money, resources, and land. The Europeans wanted the land, so they greedily took it from the Native Americans that were already there. They viewed the Americas as a shiny new toy and treated it as such. They forcefully took the land from the innocent Native Americans. How did they take it forcefully? Well they made the Native Americans their slaves using the ecomenida system, presidos, and congregcions. The encomendia system is when the Europeans …show more content…

The Europeans thought that because the Native Americans knew the land they would make perfect slaves. The Europeans, later on, found out was very untrue. The Europeans brought deadly diseases such as but not limited to: chicken pox, scarlet fever, and the bubonic plague. The Native Americans were not immune to such diseases which made them get sick and eventually die. The Europeans then needed new slaves because they had no idea how to farm the land. They decided to bring African Americans to the Americas. The Europeans “chose” the African Americans because they were immune to the European diseases. No one stopped the Europeans from doing this because they had "justified" why Europeans were property and not people. Europeans said that African Americas were uncivilized and not Christian. As Abraham London once said, "Those who deny freedom to others, deserve it not for themselves; and, under a just God, can not long retain it.". The reason why this is so bad is because there should be no justification for dehumanizing

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