Was Asoka A Ruthless Conqueror Or An Enlightened Ruler?

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Imagine you are standing in front of an edict, one of the many written in different languages by Asoka. You can see them written on pillars, boulders, and walls all around the whole empire. The edicts are written by a calm, enlightened ruler. Asoka ruled India from about 268 B.C.E to 232 B.C.E. He conquered all of India except for the south empires, for they were on good terms. Asoka became a buddhist when he conquered Kalinga, and had completed his empire. Was Asoka a ruthless conqueror or an enlightened ruler? A ruthless person shows no pity for anyone, while an enlightened person is spiritually aware. Asoka was an enlightened ruler because he was just and generous. First, the way Asoka is enlightened ruler is because he was a just ruler

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