Warren Tracey Characterization

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Tyler Mckissack Mrs. Johnnie odom English II 9-24-15 Warren Tracey, pitcher for the New York Mets shows great importance to the story. He ended calico Joe career by hitting him with a pitch. Everyone showed hatred to him for ending his career. His son finally talked him into meeting up Joe to the issue. Paul Tracey, Warren son, played an important role in the story. He plays baseball and loves watching baseball. His dad abuses him throughout the story. Paul later gets his dad and calico Joe to meet up and discuss about there situation Joe Castle,known as Calico Joe, a promising rookie Chicago Cubs first baseman from Calico Rock, Arkansas who has posted career statistics of 21 home runs in 38 games and a career batting average of .488. …show more content…

Paul and his dad never bonded good . His dad beat Paul and his mother. Warren eventually abandoned Paul and his mother. Paul didn't hear for his dad in years until one day Paul gets a phone call from his dad and finds out he might die soon from cancer. They spent some time together but never really bonded much considering Paul called him warren and they ended there gathering with just a handshake. Discovering the truth, another major theme in the story, also shows great importance. Throughout the story Joe and Warren didn't have a good relationship. Joe held a grudge throughout the novel. Warren wouldn't ever admit to purposely hitting him with a baseball. Warren also always had a bad reputation for hitting him. When they finally met up and warren admits to hitting Joe forgives him, and they no longer hated each other, so sometimes the telling the truth is the best thing to do. After a leisurely slide into second, Joe bounced to his feet, looked at Marichal, shrugged, smiled, and spread his arms as if to say, "You throw at me, I'll make you pay. This quotes foreshadows the event of him getting hit by a pitch. The quotes says that he put his arms up like you throw at me I'll make you pay. Later that season Warren threw the ball at him and it ended his career. Then later after though Warren did pay cause he basically ended his career because everyone hated him for

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