War Persuasive Essay

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Some would consider war to be inevitable, others think it an excuse for resources and power, while the remaining think it to be pointless, and a waste of human lives. War is a dreadful thing, the trauma that victims endure, and the effects that it brings on the warring nation is horrendous. I have chosen this topic because I want to shed light on the devastation and pain that war brings, and what some preach in the name of peace. Specifically, I will be focusing on the aspects of government intervention, decisions and agendas on war. Generally, when we think of war, the first thing that comes to mind is the all powerful USA. Be it in the name of national defense, ally assistance or personal agenda, we can all agree that the armed forces of the USA is one of, if not the most, world renowned asset of the country. The purpose behind each war is as unique as each person, one with distinctive features and goals to achieve. The results of war however, are as alike as any war; destruction, pain, suffering, leading to years and years of historical scarring, it’s an experience unlike any other, be it to the country or its people. …show more content…

Extremists, as they have been labelled, perform acts that is seen gruesome by the world, but in the name of their religion they do it. They wage war against the strongest nations, despite their minuscule size in comparison to the beasts they have enraged. In the name of religion, they have performed public executions. In the name of religion, they have killed masses of innocent people. All for the sake of religion. It is in the human mind, that religion has found its anchor. We embrace religion, interpret it, and practice what it preaches. Through this has many wars sparked in the past, and has haunted the most devoted of

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