War Measures Act Essay

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When individuals do not take responsibility in government actions, it can lead to an illiberal nation. Additionally, when governments do not reflect the interests of their citizens, they can risk forming into an illiberal nation, therefore, they should be removed from power. Illiberalism lacks the underlying commitment to core liberal ideas such as limited and accountable government, and the rule of law. It also lacks the rules, procedures, practices, and habits that make democracy come to life. Illiberal democracy is a form of democracy, in which leaders use the appearance of democracy to entrap and oppress their people, rather than liberate them. Instead of protecting popular liberties, illiberal regimes suppress human rights, use intimidation …show more content…

The War Measures Act prior to the 1988 amendments, was enforced during both World Wars and the 1970 October Crisis. The War Measures Acts was a piece of legislation suspended civil liberties and gave the prime minister and his cabinet immense powers for the duration of the war. During the World Wars, the act gave the state sweeping powers to essentially imprison anyone considered to be a security threat. However, this did not extend simply to individuals. The act allowed the state to imprison entire minority groups labelled as being potential spies or saboteurs working against the Allies. Censorship was imposed on the press and telegraph system while the free transportation of the people and goods ceased. The act allowed Canadians to be searched, arrested, and detained and their property seized without warrants, trials, or compensation. It also have the prime minister near dictatorial powers, allowing him to govern by a type of decree called an order in council, which was not subject to normal parliamentary oversight. Over the next four years, roughly eighty-thousand were arrested, paroled, and forced to register with the government on suspicion of enemy

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