Walt Whitman's I Hear America Singing

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In the empowering lyric poem, “I Hear America Singing” by Walt Whitman, the speaker expresses his belief that people who are working to the best of their ability collectively will support the success of the nation. In a quote from the poem, “I hear America singing, the varied carols I hear,” (line 1) the speaker recognizes that many Americans are working very diligently at their job. Here is another quote from the poem that reveals the workers are enjoying their work , “The carpenter singing his as he measures his plank or beam,/ The mason singing his as he makes ready for work, or leaves off work,/ The boatman singing what belongs to him in his boat, the deckhand singing on the steamboat deck,” (lines 3-5). Another quote from the poem, “Each …show more content…

In a quote from the poem, “ I, too, sing America” (line 1) the speaker proudly states that his contributions to America are equally important to all other Americans. Here is another quote from the poem that having a self assured spirit will allow people to never quit when they face problems, “I am the darker brother./ They send me to eat in the kitchen/ When company comes,/ But I laugh,/ And eat well,/ And grow strong.” (lines 2-7). Another quote from the poem, “Tomorrow,/ I’ll be at the table/ When company comes./ Nobody’ll dare/ Say to me,/ ‘Eat in the kitchen,’/ Then./ Besides,/ They’ll see how beautiful I am” (lines 8-16), certainly supports the theme of this poem. Unquestionably, the speaker convinces readers to accept the knowledge that they are great no matter what others think. People must believe that the future will provide a way for people to have equality. Knowing that life will present controversy, the speaker in Langston Hughes’s poem, “I Too” inspires everyone to have equality in order to enjoy a better …show more content…

Walt Whitman’s (Modern American Poetry) biography reveals that he loves ferries and that an experience of his lifetime occurred when he went on one which inspired him to write a poem about it. Another example of how Whitman’s life influences his poetry writing is when he goes to visit his grandparents at Long Island which was his favorite boyhood activity he developed a sense of love for the Long Island shore which then led to him creating his poem called “Out of the Cradle Endlessly Rocking” this is when he felt that he wanted to be a poet. Langston Hughes’s (Wikipedia) biography reveals that throughout his life he faced many problems such as racial stereotypes however this didn’t bring him down instead it lead him to write some of the most powerful poems. Another example of how Langston Hughes’s life influences his poetry writing was when he was being raised by his maternal grandmother who always established in her grandson racial pride. In his autobiography The Big Sea he stated, “I was unhappy for a long time, and very lonesome, living with my grandmother. Then it was that books began to happen to me, and I began to believe in nothing but books and the wonderful world in books — where if people suffered, they suffered in beautiful language, not in monosyllables, as we did in Kansas.” Both Walt Whitman’s and Langston Hughes's poetry

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