Walmart Social Inequality

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Many small businesses face the same inevitable outcome when facing the opening of a corporate business. According to Wolff-Mann, a 44-year-old rural grocery store in North Carolina faced a “30% sales drop” (“Walmart Closes”) immediately after the opening of Walmart. In reaction to the drop in sales, the small mom-and-pop shop cut their prices to attract more customers to their store in order to sell more products and maintain open. In return, Walmart matched or undercut their prices to reduce the surrounding competition, and with this major devastation, the supermarket finally “succumbed to the inevitable last October, closing up entirely” (“Walmart Closes”). But this outcome of Wal-Mart's “corporate monopol[y]” (Frick “Is Wal-Mart”) doesn’t …show more content…

Some may communicate that the differentiating factor and “The foremost generator of inequality under capitalism is not markets but capital… Capital is money, or the realizable money-value of collateralizable property” (Hodgson 361). Capital is what is gained every year from companies under any economic system. A lot of the capital gained stays within the upper class in the United States and “By the 1980s, a staggering 64% of all earnings by males went to the top 1%. … [and when] measuring income…The top 1% absorbed 90% of income gains” (Thurow 16). The top 1% that holds the most capital makes it harder to climb the ladder of social class resulting in a social mobility lock. Recently, “developments in technology, finance, and international trade have generated new waves and forms of insecurity for leading capitalist economies, making life increasingly unequal and chancier for not only the lower and working classes but much of the middle class as well” (Muller 1). The middle class also is affected because they are apart of most small businesses and the working class is in control of the elite wealthy business owners that control most of the economic system because of the place where capitalism placed

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