Walmart Destroying America

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Many of Americans are familiar with the name Sam Walton he is the owner of Wal-Mart Inc. This corporation started off small in 1962 and has grown to become one of the biggest and wealthiest corporation in history. According to Forbes magazine the Walton family owned business has a net worth of $486 billion in revenue as of two thousand fifteen. Wal-Mart has grown their empire off of famous slogan “Always Low Prices." Although the outer appearance seems as through this corporation is helping Americans by cheaper prices there is a big disadvantage, which happens to effect the economy in the United States.
For many of Americans they love a great deal and no way to win someone over then offering lowers prices. Wal-Mart has used Lobbying to win …show more content…

This company benefits by outsourcing their jobs to another country verse offering the jobs within the United States. Wal-Mart has a great amount of advantage over small mom and pops stores which makes it extremely hard for these stores to stay afloat, because they often hold more power of distribution at much lower prices. “Walmart boasts of direct relationships with nearly 20,000 Chinese suppliers, and purchased $27 billion worth of Chinese-made goods in 2006. According to the Economic Policy Institute, Walmart’s trade with China alone eliminated 133,000 U.S. manufacturing jobs between 2001 and 2006 and accounted for 11.2 percent of the nation’s total job loss due to trade” Traub, A. (2012, July 2). Through such control like this many benefits follow form being an owner of this company which would explain the increase and demand to use lobbying. As Wal-Mart continues to have their manufacturing companies overseas, they gain political power by avoiding a deduction in taxes and paying their workers almost nothing to gain wealth to sell in the United …show more content…

Employees are many times faced with not enough hours to meet standard living means Families that are faced with working for years and not being able to go on vacations. Wal-Mart has been identified as a corporation whom uses the tax politics “ it captures a larger share of the income of lower income works than of higher income works” Dye, T. R., Zeigler, L. H., & Schubert, L. (2014 Workers that take on management jobs are pay less than what their job title is. If we dive back into history many people can remember that you once could support a family off working at your local family owned store this is unfortunate that you cannot do this by working at Wal-Mart. Wal-Mart is what Martin Marger speak about “The upper class has the money to help support the decisions of this country, making it more of a capitalist class. The underclass affects our economy because everyone else who works to pays taxes to the government which in turn is handed out to the poor for their survival. There can’t be one without the other. If each person earned the same salary, under a different position, then everyone would be equal. There would then be an entire global economic shift, but no one would want to lose pay though. If everyone had the opportunity to attain wealth then it would hold little to no

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