Walmart Code Of Conduct

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Welcome to Walmart how can I help you today oh welcome to Best Buy what are you looking for today oh welcome to Sephora oh look there's not anybody to help you here they’re too busy talking about the night before with your boyfriends, All I want is my bloody red lipstick. I love to shop but then again who doesn't there are some pet peeves I have when I shop are bad customer service, when you can't find your size, one size fits all, and the size difference between store.

Customer service is everything. When you go to a store you don't want to be bombarded with hi what are you looking for today,have you seen our new products for the season or do you want to try a sample of our new product then they spray it at you without your response . You just want to wander the around, see what is in the store and mind your own business. If you need assistance you will ask the employee. Gandhi once said, “customers are the purpose of your work, not the interruption”. This quote can apply to many people that work in stores or any other business dealing with Customers. If you're looking for something and you can't find it you ask an employee where it is and a common but in polite response is “Sorry but that item not in My section” or “Sorry I’m busy at the moment you to ask another another sales associate …show more content…

I like jeans from different stores so when I go shopping I have to have a list in my phone of all my sizes at each store so that when I'm at the store I don't have to try on all the different sizes to find out which one I am at that store.To make my all of ours lives a lot easier if all the stores had the same

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