Wait Times Case Study

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Wait times in Ontario have been a significant problem for many years.With an increase in our growing population and the "baby boomers" nearing the age where they will require more healthcare, our healthcare system will continuously face challenges. As part of the 2017-2018 budget, Ontario will invest 1.3 billion dollars over a three-year period, in an effort to decrease the extreme wait times. As stated on the Government of Ontario's website, $529.7 million of the $1.3 billion dollar investment will be used for priority services within the hopsital sectors in order to improve quality-based procedures, which in turn reduce wait-times. In the last fourteen years, the Govenment has invested more than $2 billion to reduce wait times, therefore, by having the Ontario Government allocate over $1.3 billion in 2017-2018, demonstrates a significant commitment to reducing wait-times in our health care system. …show more content…

Based on a number of articles I have read, it is evident that the Government of Ontario is redirecting its funding to areas which require it most such as home care, long-term care, mental health and addiction services, and even telemedicine. It is also important to note that a key factor to reducing wait-times is to also increase the number of critical services to hospitals. As listed on the article titled Investments to Reduce Wait Times, on the Government Ontario's website, this includes services such as cardiovascular procedures, improving care for patients with rare diseases, and

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