WRIOT 2 Summary

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Comments: Andrey opened up to the VAS during the second meeting together and stated that he does not understand written English well, and that since this is his struggle he can not read recipe instructions. This is partly the reasoning behind him no longer wanting to pursue cooking as a career. Once this was off Andrey’s mind he became more comfortable and interactive with the VAS during the remaining meetings. Work instructions/Learning According to Andrey he learns new tasks best by visually, using pictures, images, and spatial understanding, and physically, using his body, hands and sense of touch. Test Results The VAS administered various interest profilers, work importance locators, and additional task related assessments. Name …show more content…

Because it is pictorial, reading is not required for this assessment. The WRIOT-2 provides scores in three clusters, occupational, interest, and a score describing the individual in one of six occupational “types”: realistic, investigative, artistic, social, enterprising, or conventional. The Occupational Cluster score indicates the individual’s preferences in 17 career areas and the Interest Cluster rates the individual’s needs, motives, and values as they relate to choosing an occupation. (See Appendix for scores). Interpretation Andrey’s top Occupational Interests are in Cleaning, Plants/Animals, and Build/Repairs. Cleaning – Workers in this group perform cleaning duties that make life easier and more pleasant for people. They clean things that people can’t or don’t want to do for themselves, like houses, clothes, hotel rooms, office buildings, and cars. Janitors, housekeepers, and maids keep houses, hotels, and other types of buildings clean and in good condition. Cleaning supervisors coordinate, schedule, and supervise the activities of custodians and cleaners. Workers find employment in a variety of settings, such as businesses, hotels, people's homes, car washes, schools, and airports. However, some do work on board trains and …show more content…

They work with their hands, use various kinds of tools and equipment, or operate machinery. Workers in this group also sometimes take care of animals of many kinds, and train them for a variety of purposes. In addition, certain workers supervise others, and often work right along with them. Most of the workers find employment in a variety of settings including farms, ranches’, landscaping businesses, pet shops, animal shelters, veterinarians’ offices, forests or game preserves, commercial finishing businesses, zoos, aquariums, and circuses. Build/Repair – Workers in this group use hands and hand tools skillfully to fabricate, process, install, and/or repair materials, products, and/or structural parts. They follow established procedures and techniques. The jobs are not found in factories, but are in repair shops, garages, wholesale and retail stores, and hotels. Some are found on construction projects and others within utilities such as telephone and power systems. Hina’s Holland Code is Conventional, Enterprising, and Enterprising (RCE). Andrey’s top Holland Type: Realistic

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