WR 121 Final Self-Assessment

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Before I started any essay in this class, I needed to find a question at issue. Finding a good question at issue means that it is arguable. Not an issue that no one would disagree with. Once a question at issue is established, I then come up with my enthymeme, which provides my claim and position to the question at issue. Following my claim is my because clause which states my reasoning. All three of my essays introduce the question at issue within the introductory. The introduction serves as foreshadowing of what my essay will be about and finally what I will be arguing. I introduced my enthymeme at the end of my introduction paragraph on all of my essays. In my first essay I address my question at issue by stating, “The photographer captures moments in time with hopes of these images having a positive influence on society” (Essay 1, 1) this raises a question at issue. Do photographs showing government interaction affect society ethical? After addressing this question at issue I moved right into my enthymeme to state my position backed by reason.
The enthymeme is the most important part of your essay as it responds to a question at issue. Your enthymeme states your claim, which is then supported by your main reason. My entire body paragraph structure is related to my enthymeme. There is no set way to start addressing your body paragraphs. I started with my because clause in most cases. For example in my essay 2.2, I started with my because clause which addressed my reason. The paragraph started by addressing my reason to my enthymeme, “Television advertisements have mastered the effects of advertising, which involve addressing to the majority. This happens by the use of projecting the majority’s social behaviors...

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... reasons why. This strengthens my argument as I develop relevant reasons to my position while agreeing on a middle ground.
This course and writing these essays has drastically improved my writing capabilities. Before this course I could not write an enthymeme or effectively write an argumentative paper. Establishing a clear and strong enthymeme to a question at issues helps me organize my ideas within the body paragraphs and keeps me from becoming repetitive. I understand now that addressing a counter argument strengthens my paper and helps tell the reader that you know your topic and have strong reasons. I look forward to using the writing skills I learned in this class towards future writing opportunities either with my studies or outside of school. I will continue to use enthymemes to effectively state my claim and reason and to strengthen my argument.

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