Vulnerable Population

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Vulnerable Population: African Americans
LaToya Parks
Jacksonville State University


Vulnerable Population

There are many illnesses that affect various communities in the United States. The African American community tend to top majority of the lists of communities that are most affected. Hypertension, diabetes, cancer, and stroke are some of the most serious health problems that have a drastic effect on the African American community.
The widespread of high blood pressure in African Americans in the United States is among the highest in the world. More than 40% of non-Hispanic African Americans men and women have high blood pressure (American Heart Association, 2016). African Americans tend to develop hypertension earlier in life and its more severe. …show more content…

Blacks with diabetes are more likely than non-Hispanic whites to develop diabetes and experience greater disabilities from diabetes related complications such as amputations, adult blindness, kidney failure, and increased risk of heart disease and stroke (American Diabetes Association, 2014). One of the goals for Healthy People 2020 is to decrease the incidence of diabetes and improve the quality of life for all people who have diabetes, or at risk for it (Healthy People

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