Voting Should Be Mandatory In The United States

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Do you find it aggravating when men and women complain about the president? In the United States of America, nearly one hundred and thirty-nine million Americans vote a year, according to the United States Election Project. More than eight million Americans won’t vote on Election day typically, because many Americans simply don’t think their vote would matter but that's not true. Every vote counts just as much as anybody else’s vote This is the reason why I think voting should be mandatory. If the United States passed a law that requires American citizens to vote then this would change the percentage of voting tremendously and make a big difference in this country. Today, I will be discussing the benefits of having mandatory voting in the United States and how it can help our country. …show more content…

Just one vote can have a lot of significance. People who usually don’t vote in the United States are young, lower income citizens, usually don’t have the time to vote because they're working hard to get towards the middle class, or just uneducated about voting. Older and wealthier citizens tend to vote. Just imagine the benefits of mandatory voting it would most likely reflect the opinion of the whole nation, especially including the poor who tend not to vote when its elective. Also, it will decrease the likelihood of special interest having undue and extra influence on government policy. My position on voting is that voting should be mandatory considering it is the American right to vote. By making voting a mandatory law, this will make the American have to go to the poll to vote for this too should be the Americans duties and as a citizen to

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