Voting Should Be Compulsory Research Paper

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Many people argue if voting should be mandatory or not. Voting should not be mandatory. Making voting mandatory could cause a lot of problems with the outcome of the voting and how many voters actually have knowledge about the candidates. Some people think voting should be mandatory, so they can get everyone’s opinions in the vote. Making voting mandatory could affect the outcome of the elections in a negative way because it can go against the constitutional rights, and making people with no knowledge of the candidates could mess up the results. Compulsory voting could go against the people’s rights. Although Americans have the right to vote does not mean they have to exercise those rights. For example in “Critics Warn of the Violation of Civil Liberties” it says forcing people to participate in democracy can put democracy itself at risk. Not only does it go against their rights, but they would get a fine if they did not vote. Also, forcing citizens to vote takes a lot of time and money. The government would have to document everyone who did or did not vote, and they would have to find a punishment. Therefore, compulsory voting can go against people’s rights and cause extra, unnecessary work for the government. …show more content…

Forcing people like this to vote would probably just pick a candidate based on what the people they follow of social media believe or based on what they look like. For instance, in “Critics Warn of Violation of Civil Liberties” it says that a candidate chosen by uninformed citizens have no stronger mandate than one who wins an election in which only half the eligible voters participated. The voting should be left to the people who actually have knowledge about the candidates and

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