Voting In Canada Essay

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You see the commercials on the television, read about it in the newspapers, hear people talking about it at work and amongst friends: the elections. Whether or not one is interested or follows politics, everyone is aware of the elections, and a large portion of the population participates in them as well. A lot of thought goes into choosing who to vote for however the actual process of voting is so simple. You get in your car, arrive at one on the numerous voting stations located around each city, go into a booth and mark an x on a ballet. Although a lot of consideration is put into the decision of choosing the candidate to best represent them, most people do not stop and put as much effort into thinking about who is behind organizing all …show more content…

It is the director of public prosecution who will decide if the case goes forward or not, they decided if they bring anyone to court.” By going through such measures, Elections Canada continues to strive towards remaining unbiased and non-partisan. It is important that the organization continues to do so as they ensure, through processes and rules such as this one, that there is no bribery or corruption in our electoral system. Elections Canada has made, and continues to make a great contribution to the accessibility and facilitation of voting. Providing voters with the means to be heard and to do this safely and in a way that limits corruption so that the voters have a government that is chosen and influenced strictly by them. We have come a long way from the time before the Chief Electoral Office when corruption and vote persuasion crippled the nation’s freedom to choose. Not only has Elections Canada fought corruption and manipulation but has also given those who would otherwise not vote, a chance to do so. If voting was a time consuming and complicated procedure, a large portion of the public would either not find the time, willpower, or means to have their opinions and choices affect who gets elected. Elections Canada is and will continue to be the backbone of our nation, whether or not our citizens take the time to realize

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