Volunteering Reflection

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Over the course of this year I have the pleasure of volunteering at Lincoln Elementary School for the Arts. My time there has been nothing less than amazing and the children are a true pleasure. I had the chance to work closely with some of the students and help plan their homecoming dance. It was truly amazing to see how creative their minds are and how well they understanding of teamwork and responsibility. Not only did I enjoy the planning but also chaperoning the dance as well was fun. Seeing the children interacting with each other and seeing them enjoy something I worked so closely with. In the moments of events I felt such joy because I remembered my time in high school and I knew how overwhelming it was planning events and to see these children handling this type of responsibility so well at such a young age. Also it gave me a sense of comfort because since being a student in college I had been missing the joy of planning school events. In high school I was very involved in student government, therefore this type of volunteering was perfect for me. It also felt good to give advice to the …show more content…

My parents always taught me that if I could ever do anything to help someone else I should. In these events I was helping the teachers of the school because they did not have to oversee the event themselves. No one ever takes the time to think about how overworked and underpaid school teachers are. The teachers already have enough stress to deal with and these types of stressful events will overwhelm them. Also I can see some power issues in this event as well because when students work with their teachers sometimes the can feel like the teacher is taking over a student run event. I think I made the children feel more in control because I allowed them to express all that they expected the dance to be. Allowing them to just express themselves they feel as though they are in

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