Volunteering And Service Interview Essay

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For the purpose of the Interview and Service Project I had an interview with a fellow UMKC student who had just had their first experience volunteering at the local food pantry called Harvesters. Volunteering is often considered a work of giving, but many people fail to see all that you can take from the experience. Because of this, volunteering often isn’t at the top of people’s list of to-do’s. When you aren’t obligated to go out of your way to provide a service, or to spend your time in a way which is not productive toward your own goals, it is incredibly easy to justify not doing it. What I hoped to gain from this interview was insight pertaining to the hidden compensation people receive from going out and volunteering.
When I interviewed …show more content…

When I asked him what his expectations were going into this experience, he really didn’t have a whole lot to tell me. He told me that his own personal feelings were uneasy, and that he began asking his coworkers (who had volunteered before) lots of questions. He had never done anything like this before and was anxious about the possible outcomes. What happened if he messed something up? What kind of people will he be meeting? Will this be worse than sitting at the office? These were all things he asked both his coworkers and himself. A short car ride and lots of reassurance later, he was feeling much more optimistic about the whole thing, you might even say he was excited! There has to be a reason people volunteer right? Whether it’s the people you meet, the credit you receive, or the experience as a whole, people go out of their way to find time to volunteer. As a very extroverted person, meeting new people is well within his comfort zone, not to mention he had experience with jobs serving the public. How bad could it be, right? The answer was not bad at …show more content…

Everyone seemed both polite and grateful for their help, but not in the way he was expecting. Going in, he had the typical service provider and consumer relationship in his mind, but said that it definitely did not feel like his days working at a local super-store. Rather, he compared the interaction more to helping a friend or an acquaintance. His interactions were not limited to the typical “please”, “thank you”, and “have a nice day”. Instead, everyone seemed very open and friendly, and many would hold a conversation.
In a normal situation, a lot of people would be somewhat uncertain of talking about their personal business with a stranger, or vice versa, but things are totally different when you’re volunteering in this sort of situation. You’re helping people you would never have thought to talk to feed their families. A lot of the people who come in are likely in a fairly tough spot and to know so many people care about the well-being of their community can really, truly brighten someone’s

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