Vladimir Putin's Choosing Order Before Freedom

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Contrary to popular belief, being chosen as TIME’s Person of the Year is not and has never been an honour. “It is a clear recognition of the world as it is and of the most powerful individuals shaping the world, both for better or for worse,” states Richard Stengel, the author of the article “Choosing Order before Freedom.” Choosing Order before Freedom gives an account of an influential man, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, the current Russian President who has been holding the office since 7 May, 2012. The article was published on December 19, 2007, during the same year Putin was chosen to be TIME’s Person of the Year, and informs the audience about why Putin was given the title. As Putin’s perspective and policies have been criticized internationally …show more content…

This is because throughout the article, the author informs the audience on how powerful Russia is, and how Putin's past has impacted his involvement in making Russia the way it is today. Therefore, it can be concluded that the purpose of the article is for the author to inform the audience on how successful and powerful Russia is and on how Vladimir Putin’s past has helped shaped Russia’s success. In order to effectively convey the purpose of the article to the audience, the author has used different types of diction and content throughout the writing. Content and diction assist in communicating the purpose better, as background information and adjectives used to describe Russia and Putin will allow the audience to have a better understanding of their influence on others. Thus, the audience will clearly understand the reason Putin was given the title of Person of the …show more content…

The main types of diction present in “Choosing Order before Freedom, ” that show the significance of Putin and Russia, and how Putin’s past has helped shape Russia’s success are connotation and the level of formality. An example of connotation that demonstrates the significance Russia has in the world was when the author wrote, “Russia is central to our world…” The quote stated doesn’t literally mean that Russia is located in the central of the world. However, the quote implies that Russia has supreme power over the world, therefore it is of the greatest importance. This inference is supported by a statement present in the article where the author wrote, “If Russia fails, all bets are off for the 21st century.” These two quotes clearly demonstrate the influence Russia has over the world. The quotes show how powerful Russia is, as if Russia were to fail, the entire world would be in trouble. Another connotation present is when the author wrote, “No one would label Putin a child of destiny.” The quote implies that Putin didn’t have the easiest life and wasn’t born into a wealthy family. This is because people who are referred to child of destiny are often people born into wealthy families, who have had many opportunities and possibly a bright future ahead. Thus, they are expected to achieve great things in life. Therefore, Putin not being described as a

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