Vladek Spiegelman Character Analysis

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From Hitler throughout the Holocaust, Maus the graphic novel has brought a story of a survivor, Vladek Spiegelman, a Polish Jew. Vladek has been there when the Swastika was a symbol of well-being and the goods. From the start of World War II and sustained until the war ended. Vladek survived the war because of luckiness, after that, being resourceful was the reason he lived. Lost his first born son in the process, moved to the United States. Lost his wife and lived with a fear it might happen all over again, he is a survivor of the Holocaust. Vladek lived a normal life before the war, got married to Anja a daughter of a millionaire. He also got Richieu his first son. They all lived a happy life for awhile until the Swastika was raised as an emblem of the German Nazi party. That’s when the fairytale ended. Vladek went to the army and got captured by the Nazi. Back to luckiness, he could easily died at the P.O.W camp, disease, hunger or even get beat up by the Nazi. On page 48, the bullets came in his direction, the bullet ricochet on his helmet, he could have died if the soldier aim better or if he didn’t have the helmet, he could have easily been dead. Being resourceful also helped him in the war. On page 53, he bathed in the river in the winter, unlike his soldier mates, he didn’t get infection on his frostbites. …show more content…

on the day of Parshas Truma”. Also on page 62, on the bottom left panel, when he had to urinate, someone starts shooting at him, and he had no protection, if you see the picture, the bullet could have easily went through his chest instead of going through the tent. But on two pages after that, on page 64, graphically he had on a pig mask, but the notation of it is that he pretended he was Pole, to trespass on the train, back

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