Visual Perception Essay

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Visual perception is the process that allows human beings to identify, interpret, and know what exists in their surrounding environment. It begins with the stimuli (from objects) that the individual consciously decides to pay attention to and a fundamental aspect of objects that allow such perception is form. The element of form is essential and relevant in design and its proper use implies psychological and technical knowledge. Form is the visual aspect of content whose function is to inform about the nature of objects through its exterior appearance. There are laws and principles that explain the perception of form, and one of them is the Law of Prägnanz, or law of simplicity. The investigation verifies the Law of Prägnanz or simplicity of …show more content…

Besides the natural development of brain, such mental processes are mediated through symbols and emerge from social interaction. These types of processes fundamentally include cognition, attention and memory. The primary interest is the mental process of perception conceived as “the physical act of receiving sensory impressions” (Wolff, 1992, p.50). Ordinarily, it is a common thought that “what is perceived” corresponds exactly to objects and events within reality and that in few occasions it is thought that things can be perceived another way, because it departs from evidence that is seldom questioned, in relation to what is perceived from the environment is the environment itself, it is not even thought that perceptions are a partial representation of such environment, because what is presented as evident, it is only so within certain physical, cultural and ideological context. In this sense, Vargas (1994) refers that perception is concurrently the source and the product of evidences, in as much as perceptual experiences provide sentience to construct …show more content…

In the latter, visual perception, there are several elements for human beings to identify what is found in the surrounding environment depending on the stimulus that is presented. Such stimulus (the object), for the sake of its recognition, has a shape, color, texture, size,

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