Visual Argument Analysis: Family Group Images

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Visual Argument Analysis Whoever sees this picture, it would be considered as a family group image. However, something makes me feel strange when I look at it first because they do not look familiar one another at all. Perhaps, there are some difficulties going on among these family members according to their troubled facial emotions and poses, like they do not look at each other or their inflexible postures. Even though audiences view this picture as a group of family members, they would find out that this family has some horrible issues on. This picture is enough to attract a number of audiences’ interests and it makes them think critically about the problems in family. For a few families, occasions are only one more reason to get together to consume great foods and to have a decent time. They are not searching for articles like this one on the grounds that they have by one means or another evaluated the equation for fruitful family fellowship with least push. …show more content…

Dad has a grim look on his face, mom sits staring emptily into space as if she were upset to her husband, a little daughter looks very blue because she might fight against her older sister who is sitting on the center, and lastly the man who seems uncle wearing white coat looks quite sad and depressed as if he lost his occupation just right now. Every individual on the image should have private issues and they bring about unsought intimacy in between family members. This is a broken family that frankly represents the present a true picture of modern family society in the United States. Claims, warrants, fallacies, supports and etc. can be varied in different perspectives, but I think the claim for this picture is that what makes family-ship broken and destroys

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