Visual Analysis Of Acrylic On Canvas By Mollie Goldman

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“Memory is what shapes us. Memory is what teaches us. We must understand that that’s where our redemption is.” This is a painting from the perspective of a young boy who is a Holocaust survivor. The artist has created juxtaposition of his hands to when he was a youthful boy to his older self. It is evident that his memories shape this image particularly the background, as well as revealing his story and history.

The painting is Acrylic on Canvas by Mollie Goldman with the title NOW-THEN: NEVER AGAIN. This title could represent many things, one being, how the Holocaust affected him not only as a young boy but also as an older man and that a tragedy like this cannot ever be repeated. The hands in this painting represent justice; it elucidates equality, no matter what religion, race or sexuality, which was an important lesson following the Holocaust. The fact that one hand is small signifies the innocence and vulnerability of the young boy; whilst the bigger more aged hand indicates knowledge and understanding of the consequences of the Holocaust.

The artist has created an extremely effective background, symbolizing the present and past. The bright stones forming the wall contrast with the Jewish gravestones, which were desecrated and used to pave roads during the Holocaust. Moreover, the background alludes to light and dark highlighting the …show more content…

She has used a real number from a survivor, which expresses the pragmatism of the Holocaust, and his story as well as creating a further level of empathy to the audience. The artist recalled her inspiration for the painting was Jacob Hennenberg, after reading his story in the Cleveland Jewish News, about how he found hope within the camp from the tattoo on his arm. The numbers 64242 add up to 18, which in Hebrew stand for “life.” Jacob decided that it meant he would

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