Virgin Atlantic Impact On The Environment

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Airlines have brought an immense amount of positive changes to the world. They make the world a much smaller place and allow people to reach any part of the world in less than twenty-four hours. However, even with these positive impacts, airlines are “one of the fastest growing contributors of greenhouse gases” (Virgin Group, 2010 p.17). Critics everywhere continue to hate on airlines and their inability to care for the environment. They claim that they are “not doing enough to adequately confront issues such as climate change and resource scarcity” (Confino, 2018). Virgin Atlantic Airlines has taken this problem to heart and are constantly looking for ways to be a more sustainable and environmentally conscious airline. They have set themselves …show more content…

They were a founding “member of the Sustainable Aviation Fuel Users Group” (Virgin Group, 2010 p.20). This group focuses on the increased use of biofuels and the ability to be able to use existing fuel in a more efficient way. Even with these things that Virgin Atlantic is doing to reduce their carbon footprint, there are more things to be done. A main suggestion for them would be to “invest in modern fleets that operate as efficiently as possible” (Virgin Group, 2010 p.22). The days where airlines want the most powerful engines are in the past. It is time for airlines to start to focus on fleets that are fuel efficient and aerodynamic. With the sheer number of flights that occur in a day, it is the only way to make a dynamic impact in regards to sustainability. Another main suggestion for Virgin Atlantic would be to invest in projects that are built to help clean up the environment. It is no secret, that airlines are looked down upon by environmental agencies. With increased focus on the environment, Virgin Atlantic will “have a chance to establish a positive image for themselves in the eyes of society” (United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development,

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