Virgin Airlines Swot Analysis

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Introduction Virgin Airlines is part of the Virgin Group brand. Virgin airlines has multiple different branches such as Virgin Atlantic, Virgin Australia, and Virgin Soma. Virgin is known for being a luxury flight provider at an affordable price. Throughout the paper we will be discussing Virgin Airlines history, mission statement, compensation, security, and human resources. Organization and its Mission Establishment Based in the United Kingdom, Virgin Airlines has a different origin compared to most airlines in the world. It started near the late 1980s by Sir Richard Charles Nicholas Branson who began to offer one way tickets to the British Virgin Islands. Branson began the company after he was denied a trip to the British Virgin Islands …show more content…

Virgin airlines, specifically, has only five branches, but over 100 ways to get to the desired destinations for passengers (Virgin Flights and Routes). Branches such as Virgin Atlantic, Virgin Australia, Virgin America, Virgin Nigeria, and Virgin Samoa are all part of the company and are able to bring passengers all around the world. The operations overseas is one of the greatest strengths that Virgin airline branches has. However, in 2014, Branson proposed making more United States-based flights and taking away a few of the international flights due to the higher price ratings (Quinn, 2014). Due to the small percentage of flights between the US and UK, the airlines have decreased the number of international locations. A similar obstacle to oversea operations is cash flow and currency differences. The United States is a country that uses plastic over paper, however, other countries prefer to use paper and that could cause problems on the flights (Baskas, 2009). People who used cash were less likely to have an easy time making transactions on the flights. With plastic cards, the money is still there, however it is better tracked, for both the employees and the passengers. For some countries, connections have gotten stronger and have been improving. For others, connections have gotten worse and surprisingly began to limit their global presence in emerging

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