Virgen Of Guadalupe

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The Virgen of Guadalupe was and still is a popular national symbol to the Spanish culture. She’s also known as “Virgen Mary”. According to the theory, she appeared in front of St. Juan Diego’s eyes in 1531. Ever since our lady Virgen Mary has made a great impact in people’s life. The Virgen of Guadalupe has a special role in Mexico’s religious life.
As every Spanish culture tells the story, Juan Diego was an Aztec who believed in Christianity. The Virgen Mary appeared to Juan Diego on December 9. Three days later, she reappeared again. Juan Diego had a very special request from the Virgen Mary; to build a shrine just were she had appeared (Tepeyac Hill). The Bishop wouldn’t approve until he had a sign from the Virgen Mary. The second time Virgen Mary had appeared to Juan Diego, she ordered him to collect roses. A dozen roses fell from Diego’s cloak in front of the bishop including more people, revealing a beautiful image of Virgen Mary. The Basilica of Guadalupe now holds this image. …show more content…

According to Father Henry Lemke story, Virgen Mary indeed makes miracles. In 1856, he prayed for Virgen Mary’s intercession due to the storm he was lost in. Just as he finished his prayer, on the horizon, a light appeared. Trying to make his way through the storm to find light, he saw a lantern hanging from a cottage’s window. The mother and daughter who lived in that cottage claimed that a lady dressed in white had appeared to the child’s eyes. The mother had woken up which made her hang the

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