Violent Video Games Affect The Brain

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“Psychologists and neuroscientists conducting well-designed studies are beginning to shed light on the actual effects of video games. These studies show a clear trend: Games have many consequences in the brain, and most are not obvious—they happen at a level that overt behaviors do not immediately reflect. Because the effects are subtle, many people think video games are simply benign entertainment.” -“When playing a high-violence video game, players accustomed to such games showed lower activity (measured via signals from magnetic resonance imaging) in the rostral anterior cingulate cortex (rACC), whereas players used to low-violence games displayed higher activity. This difference suggests that gamers who often play violent games may be desensitized to aggression and violence. (Courtesy of K. Thomas and D. A. Gentile)” Children and On some occasions the brain is affected in a good way, like when reflexes and fine motor skills are increased, but in most cases it is affected in a bad way. Children are most affected by video games, as their minds are not fully developed. “Children and adolescents can become overly involved with video games. They may have difficulty controlling the amount of time they play. They may resist their parents’ attempts to limit their time playing video games.”-K. Thomas. If a child is addicted to video games then they may show aggressive behavior, poor social skills, and sleep deprivation. Having an addiction to games is similar to having an addiction to drugs like marijuana. It triggers the same pheromones in the brain like dopamine, but in a slightly different amount. Recent studies show that video games cause children under the age of thirteen to have slowed brain development and altered brain cells. When a child has altered brain cells it can cause a lack of focus, and can cause a severe drop in grades and quality of social interactions. This has not taken into account the effects of violent video

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