Violence In A Bout De Souffle

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When it comes to the films that we have seen in period of the 60s and 70s, one message becomes clear that there has a been an increase in violence represented in these movies. In our very first movie, A Bout de Souffle, is a great base to start off our understanding of violence and it portrait in European cinema. It this degree, a female character has the sensation of being literally breathless when it comes to her relationship with the lead male character. The article also points out the idea of the male observing the females as an object and this is certainly true in this movie, Breathless. In several clips of the movie the pure relationship between the two lead characters show a sense of violence which is not physical, but highly psychological. …show more content…

In this case the main character channels their sense of violence through the camera and through his photography. If we were to fast forward to one of the more recent movies that we have observed, like ll Portiere di Notte, we would observe a level of violence that of another world. In much of the article, it talks about how woman stand in patriarchal culture which is true with the treatment of woman. While this is a reoccurring theme that woman are subjected to the male figure, and this touches on the idea that violence can be argues to be a male issue. However, in relation to The Night Porter, the dynamics appear to change as woman are represented to being more compliant to these actions against them. This could be interpreted as violence being a normal thing in cinema and further desensitizing viewers to the very nature of violence. When we look at the development of this feature, the increase in the sexualization of the female body becoming more and more aggressive and

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