Violence And Violence: A Brief History Of Teen Violence

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Brief History of Teen Violence
Teen violence has been around for thousands of years but in the 1960s, it became prominent. In the 1980s and 1990s, it became worse because teens found comfort in gangs because of domestic violence back in their home or saw the struggle for income and thought it would be best to sell drugs to receive a lot of income. Gangs were not the only source of teen violence; girls would sell themselves and would use many drugs in the process that was distributed from their owner. According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in the late 90s, teen violence rate was at its all-time high, which was over one million-five hundred people were victimized by teen violence. The ages varied from ten to twenty-one years old. Teen’s violence also involves substance abuse and illegal firearms in the process.

Psychology of Teen Violence
Violence in teens has not always been so life threatening, but it has been around for a while. Over the years the danger that people are put in has been immense. It has gotten so out of hand that there is no place that is a shelter away from it. There are youth killing other youth almost anywhere; schools, movie theaters, neighborhoods, parties, and parks. The numbers of places are limitless in today’s society. Adults send their children out into the world almost every day not knowing if he/she will get hurt that day or if it will be the child’s last.
The definition of violence according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary is behavior involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill someone or something. The definition of violence by law according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary is the unlawful exercise of physical force or intimidation by the exhibition of such force...

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... is not good not only for other teens, but society itself. If someone is being victimized or killed by teen violence, that will raise the rates against ourselves. Our society will grow fearful of the generations to come because the rates are increasing by the thousands quickly. How could we function in this world when we are fearful of walking down the street or running errands because we are afraid of death? Teens that are being victimized wake up afraid because they are being persecuted at school, at work, etc. As the rates increase for teen violence, that means more teens are being arrested, which means that prisons and jails are being filled up by people our age. This also means that jails and prisons could be over-crowded and new ones must be built or the teen is sent somewhere else farther away. Teenagers kill each other off or end up in jail; this causes for

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