Video Games do Not Cause Violent Behaviour in Children or Adolescents

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Video Games do Not Cause Violent Behaviour in Children or Adolescents

From the beginnings of the industry, violence in video games has been an issue of discussion. From the pixilated weaponry in 'Space Invaders' to the myriad of weapons in 'Unreal Tournament 2003,' games have evolved over the years. Newer games are more real. Their environments are more immersive. Small details such as rain drops or a falling corpse are now realistically detailed in the games we play. Because of this, some people believe that this level of realism is desensitizing our kids and making them violent. Fueled by the school shootings of a few years ago, these people are calling for the censorship of video games and regulation of the industry by the government. Based on bad research and faulty logic, these people seek to squash the freedoms of adults because of a perceived danger to children. Freedom of speech, in the form of video games, should be preserved because it does not harm our children and it furthers freedom.

Despite the impressions given by those who support censorship, the video game ...

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