Video Analysis: My Fair Ed, Double D.

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Learning is understanding the relations between various occurrences. We learn these associations through conditioning, which connects environmental incentives and behavior.
This video demonstrates one of the two types of associative learning: Operant (Instrumental) Conditioning. This is a method of learning that occurs through the association made between a behavior and a consequence for that behavior. The subject can either be rewarded or punished for its behavior. The subject is more prone to repeat the actions that are followed by desirable outcomes than the ones with undesirable ones.
This video is a clip from a Canadian-American cartoon show named Ed, Edd n Eddy. In this episode, My Fair Ed, Double D is a cartoon character who is trying to shape the actions of others by inflicting a painful stimulus. Whenever Ed and Eddy …show more content…

Double D uses punishment and negative reinforcement to decrease a behavior’s probability and make his strategy work. Every time Ed and Eddy acts in a socially unacceptable manner Double D uses positive punishment by administrating a stimulus. But as we learned in the lecture, positive punishment does not mean it is a good thing. It means that something is added. Here, the added stimulus is Double D’s act of ripping bandages from Ed and Eddy’s heads. Because the added stimulus is unpleasant it decreases the behaviors likelihood of happening again. Double D also uses a negative reinforcement by removing the act of ripping the band off of Edd and Edy’s head every time when they act in a socially acceptable, good manner. In this situation, Edd and Edy’s response of not acting in a bad manner is strengthened by the removal of something considered unpleasant. At the end of the video, Ed and Eddy start acting in good behaviors and Double D reaches his

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