Victorian Morality In The Victorian Era

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Victorian morality describes the moral views and social expectations of people living at the time of Queen Victoria's rule from 1837 to 1901 which completely contrasted any morality in pervious eras. Victorians encouraged hard work, morality, social respect and religious conformity. Today, the term “Victorian morality” can describe any set of values that exercise sexual restraint, intolerance of criminality and a strict social code of conduct. The word "Victorian" has a wide range of connotations, most specifically the high moral standards, but today the Victorian era is usually associated with “prudishness” and “repression”.
Victorian etiquette is confused with a lack of understanding. During this era, people referred to “arms” and “legs” as “limbs” and “extremities” due to their high degree of modesty and their sense of decency. It was even suggested that table and chair legs were to be covered up as it portrayed sexuality.
Homosexuality was illegal, heavily frowned upon and regarded as loathsome in the Victorian Era. However, there were many famous men who were concealed homosexu...

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