Victims Of Persecution By The Holocaust

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Victims of Persecution by the Nazis The number of victims persecuted by the Nazis is truly jaw dropping. The Holocaust is largely remembered for the genocide of six million Jews, but many are unaware of the other victims. According to A Teacher’s Guide to the Holocaust persecution occurred if you had undesirable genetic or cultural origins, not to mention health conditions. In the Nazis eyes, this included Jews, Gypsies, Poles/Slavs, political dissidents, disabled, Jehovah’s witnesses, homosexuals, and African- German children (“Victims”). Hitler planned to wipe out anyone deemed of limiting the Germans, and vowed prosperity to the Nazis who were humiliated in the world war. Hitler took over power in the time of economic depression for Germany, and planned to make change happen for the Germans. Hitler blamed the loss of World …show more content…

As stated by Jewish Virtual Library, Hitler had a vision of a “Master Race of Aryans that would control Europe” and he used powerful propaganda to gain power and influence (“Non-Jewish Victims”). Once Hitler gained severe influence, nothing could be done to hinder his ideas or persecutions. The Wansee conference to establish ghettos took place in the early 1950’s, and people were swept up for no reason other than the fact of who they were. The Germans imposed strong racism onto their subjects and on top of that, the world was unaware of the slaughter that the Nazis participated in at this time. One of Hitler’s arguments was that if you weren’t German you were inferior, which was very egocentric as well. Jews were blamed for the loss of World War I, and therefore faced discrimination previous to the

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