Victim Discrimination And The Conflict Theory

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The race of the offender affects victim blame just as much as the victim’s race does. The subtle racism that is still around today does not help black men who are accused of raping a white woman. Studies have shown that white rape victims are believed more if their rapist was a black man because the racist rape myth “depicts black males as sexual predators of white women” (Donovan, 2007). This myth was put into place during slavery as another way to control black men and white women (Donovan, 2007). When looking mainly at gender studies have shown that men will look more harshly on the victim and women will look more harshly upon the rapist (Acock&Ireland, 1983). Men’s more accepting attitude and increase blame on the victim is because of …show more content…

This element in victim blaming coincides with the content of the Conflict Theory. The Conflict Theory looks at how in a country where a diverse group of people had different needs and ways of life the legal system only caters to the highly affluent. Those with the most money determine the norms of society even though they only make up roughly 1% of the population and anyone who does not comply with the set norms will be targeted. Compared to the groups who are considered normal those who go against societies normality will be subject to incarceration and criminalization (D’Alessio&Stolzenberg, 2003). When a black woman is a victim of rape and she has a strong and independent personality that is different from the gender norm decided by the 1% she is blamed for her attack and looked at as promiscuous because she is going against society. Because she is not submissive and dependent she is looked down upon and targeted by those observing who are complacent to the behavioral norms. A victim being blamed and victimized for her rape just because her personality and behavior is not what the wealthy have considered acceptable is and example in how the legal system gains control over the different …show more content…

There may no longer be whips and plantations and slave auctions and everyone now not matter what color is a free human being but the oppressive mentality is still around. Racial microagressions are an every day issue for people of color, they experience insulting and racist remarks in every aspect of their life and are constantly reminded that they are different and they are not what societies elite has determined to be normal. In a country where everyone is welcomed to come and make a new life for themselves here regardless of race they are faced with constant reminders that they are different and do not belong (Sue et al. 2007). Even within this countries criminal justice system that is put in place to keep everyone safe and treat everyone with equality the color of your skin could be a life’s sentence. Black women who are victims of rape would rather live with mental torment that comes after experiencing a trauma like rape than risk being humiliated and stereotyped by the authorities, the people who are supposed to keep us safe. Not only do black women have to deal with the oppression and inequality that comes with the color of their skin the sexism and victimization of being a woman is also something they have to face. The gender dominant

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