Vetsnyc Argument Analysis

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As with most other people, I always have difficulties when taking my dog to the vet. It seems that even just saying the word “vet” strikes fear into his eyes. Because of this, it is always my goal to ensure that my pets have a calm and caring experience when taking them to be checked. This is also the focus of VETSnyc. Each experience is personalized and there is an unmistakable sense of community that is essential for those who want the best care for their pets. Another important aspect of this organization is to reach out to members of the community, either through blogs or websites, to ensure that people are aware of the distinct and individualized environment VETSnyc provides. I believe that with my unique skillset and vast writing experience, I am an ideal candidate for the VETSnyc web content internship. As a member of the VETSnyc web team, my ability to incorporate other’s feedback of my work in order to improve its quality would be an incredibly useful asset. Since I would be writing web-ready pieces, I would have to …show more content…

In my justificatory argument, I wrote for the venue Eidolon, which is a site that bridges the gap between classics and the modern day and is geared toward the general public. As seen in my final draft, I am capable of explaining hard-to-understand topics in a clear way. I can also format documents in order to appeal to a wide variety of people. This skill would be invaluable to a web content writer. For this position, I would be responsible for writing about the animal hospital and other pet-related issues, both humorous and informative. Since all of my pieces would be written for blogs and websites that a diverse base of people will see, it is crucial that I have the ability to write for a broad audience. Based on my experience from writing seminar, I am proficient in this task and would excel in this

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