Verbal Aggression In Health Care Essay

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This particular chapter will provide a rationale for performing a literature review strategy based thesis which is associated to the frequency of verbal aggression in mental health inpatient settings in London and also how mental nurses manage verbal aggression with the use of non-physical techniques for instance de-escalation methods. This will provide the aims and also the objectives and the organisation of this dissertation.

According to (Cowen et al 2003), the disclosure of Health Care Professionals to violence and aggression from patients in their daily practice, and in particular verbal aggression makes the National Health Service an unappealing work setting. This experience has caused psychological, physical and also spiritual damages in its victims, (Stubbs and Dickens, 2008), causing in the needs of the Nurses to be able to successfully managing verbal aggression. Consequently, this will make both recruitment and the maintenance of staff challenging, (Department of Health, 1999) and has further resulted in the formation of the zero tolerance policies introduced towards patient aggression. The zero tolerance policy has been braced by various organisations, …show more content…

Many individuals are exposed to violence and aggression due to underlying pathology. However, violence and aggression due to clinical reasons should not be compared to those where there is spiteful intent (Gates et al 1999). By finding this original cause of aggression actually needs a growth in a nurse/patient relationship and also the understanding of the patient’s condition. So therefore, Rew and Ferns, 2005 suggests that it becomes the duty of the employer to provide suitable safety measures and training in order to reduce risks and also make sure that the health and welfare of their employees is

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