Venture Capitalist Case Study

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Venture capital is an equity source of finance to entrepreneur and SME’s. Venture capitalist are financial institutions that invest massively in young businesses with a high growth potential. Most of their investments are very risky and at the same time very profitable, if successful. Venture Capitalist are financial intermediaries that is, they invest the money of other individuals or organizations. Not their own money. This is why they usually require to own part of the company so that they can closely monitor their investments. Another reason is that they generally maximize profit by selling their shares in the firm through Initial Public Offer (IPO). (Markova & Petkovska-Mircevska, 2009, P. 4).
Venture capitalist are professional investors …show more content…

It is an equity source of finance, so they usually demand to own part of the firm in exchange for their money. Angel investors as they are sometimes called, invest in firms they believe will be profitable. They are also long-term investors and expect to make profits long after investment. (Vivek, 2010). In addition to their financial support they sometimes advise and assist the entrepreneur in the running of the business. They usually invest less money and in a less formal manner than venture capitalist. . (Burns, 2001, P. …show more content…

A Bank loan can be defined as, money lend to an individual or business, to be repaid with an agreed interest at an agreed time. A bank loan is generally issued when the borrower is deemed creditworthy. (Markova & Petkovska-Mircevska, 2009, P. 6). A banks priority is to ensure that it will recover its loan with interest in due time. For this reason they pay particular attention to the cash flow of the borrower. The want to be sure the borrower will be able to repay the loan instalments with interest without too much stress on the day-to-day operation of the business. They also require a collateral in case the borrower fails to honor his

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