Veganism Research Paper

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Most people’s New Year resolution tend to be losing weight, help the environment, and feel healthier and you can gain all of that at once when you switch over to a vegan diet. Veganism is where you do not eat any animal products such as dairy, eggs, and meat. The purpose of this way of eating is more of a lifestyle than a diet. People who become vegan also have to read beauty products and clothing items to see if they are used either for animal testing or made of animal skin. Vegans all over the world enjoy this diet because it helps the animals and benefits their body. The main reason why people do go vegan is for the animals; animals are beaten even before they are slaughtered and often die of starvation or infections. Over 56 billion …show more content…

Vegans tend to be skinnier than meat eaters because they are not eating as much as them. The diets makes you feel more energized as in dairy products and meats can make you drowsy in a couple of hours, which explains why when you eat a lot of dairy and meat products in one sitting makes you want to take a nap after. The nutritional value that the diet has is reducing saturated fats, right amount of protein, and more antioxidants. Saturated fats can clog up your arteries which can lead to heart attacks and strokes. Red meats are the main cause for these risks due to its high amount of sodium and fats. Protein is good for your body, but most people overdoes on protein because meat contain a lot of it. By reducing the protein intake by eating beans, nuts, and soy products, will give your body the right amount of protein it needs. Antioxidants help your body in the inside and out; it cleans your body by making you feel good and helps your blemishes and ache go away. Vegetables and fruits are the main source with antioxidants which also explains why people do a juice cleanse. These antioxidants also help reduce cancer from forming inside of you because it boosts up your immune system to fight anything off. The vegan diet makes you feel amazing about not only yourself, but help you realize you are helping the

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