Veganism Essay

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Healthy lifestyles have come and taken over many people and veganism is becoming increasingly popular in society. People are becoming more aware of their diets. People base their diets off their lifestyles and/or beliefs and values. Veganism is the practise of both abandoning the use of animal products, mainly in diet but also with the philosophy of abstaining from using other animal related products such as leather and animal tested products. Veganism is a healthier way of living , it's good for the environment and it is also good for the well being of animals. Avoiding animal products is one of the ways you can take a stand against animal cruelty. As you are not contributing to the meat and dairy industries. It is a small part in the world to go vegan but it is a right step in helping the world and I personally believe it is morally right as many other people do. More people going vegan could positively impact the world. There are many famous celebrity and big names out here that are vegan, names such as Ellen Degeneres, Woody Harrelson, Brad Pitt and even boxer Mike Tyson! Veganism is easier to incorporate into people's lives more than they think and with it becoming a big aspect of society and more common than ever there are a lot of options for vegans out there in terms of food, recipes and general information …show more content…

I have gone to many vegan shows/ food fairs, vegan groups etc. It is a great community and everyone is doing their part. Veganism is a great way to teach us about real love and compassion. You gain self respect. Veganism is a fun way of living! Being vegan also is more healthy and drastically improves your wellbeing. I feel, it is morally right and a little step in the right direction for a more sustainable and healthy

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