Vegan Diet Research Paper

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Survival of the Healthiest: Making the Switch to Veganism to Live the Longest, Happiest and Healthiest Lifestyle Possible
Did you know, by switching to a vegan diet for just one day, you would be saving one animals life, 45 pounds of grain, 1100 gallons of water and 30 square feet of forested land. Not only is being vegan better environmentally and ethically, it has many health benefits as well. For years, the standard way of living has been relying on animal products to obtain the adequate nutrients. For example, the saying milk is needed to grow and maintain strong bones or that the only way to get enough protein is through meat. After years of research it has been found that this standard diet isn't the healthiest option after all a simple …show more content…

Research has shown adopting a plant based diet may be the key in avoiding such problems. An appropriately planned vegan diet is often associated with health advantages such as lower blood pressure levels, a smaller risk for diabetes and cancer and a lower body mass. This type of diet is high in fiber, magnesium, potassium, and lots more vitamins and minerals which could explain all the health advantages. Maggie Fox, a health and science correspondent states, “Vegan diet reverses diabetes symptoms. People that ate a low fat vegan diet, cutting out all meat and dairy, lowered their blood sugar more and lost more weight than people on a standard American Diabetes Association diet” (Fox). A Standard Diabetes diet contains meat and dairy products. The fact the ones health improves as soon as these items are cut out and a switch is made to the vegan diet, really shows there is harmful toxins and chemicals inside meat and dairy that shouldn't be entering our …show more content…

It has been scientifically proven that switching to a vegan diet will help promote weight loss. Animal flesh contains great amounts of fats and proteins and very little vitamins, minerals and fibers. The human body however, needs all those vitamins, minerals and fibers to digest food properly. When your diet is based off of animals products and not so much plant based items, you aren't able to digest as well. If you’re putting very fatty meats into your body and have bad digestion this means the fat will accumulate and cause you to possibly become overweight. Albert Einstein once said, “Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances of survival for life on earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet” (Richards). This is so important because eating animal products is linked to obesity. Often with obesity your life span becomes way shorter. If humans want to survive and live the best healthful life possible, the switch to a vegan diet is

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